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why rooted?


"It is hard to describe Rooted in words, but the words that come to mind are family, love, and faith. The bonds formed and the love shared at Rooted are just some of the great experiences I had.  A bible verse that describes this group well is Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them." To me being with friends that love me is to be gathered in his name, and that is what Rooted is."


rooted alum

I want to thank you again for all that you are doing for not only my daughter but for the youth in our community.  I know she has been deeply affected and changed (for the better of course!) from being part of Rooted and I am sure she is not alone.  Words cannot express the gratitude I feel to you for giving her such a remarkable life changing experience.  My heart is deeply touched by how the two of you are using your blessings to selflessly do God's work.  Truly amazing especially in todays selfish world.  You are making a have in our lives and I am sure many many others!! Thank you!!!


                                        rooted parent

"I always looked forward to Rooted every week and always made sure that my 7:00 slot on Sunday night was free. It gave me a place where I felt safe and comfortable no matter how tangled life was.  I was able to make a new group of friends I could proudly call my family, a group that was more fulfilling to hang out with because of our common denominators: Rooted and God. I wouldn't have traded my Sunday nights for anything else.  It really helped me thru so many challenges in my life, even if I didn't actually share them at Rooted I knew I had people I could trust and people I could turn to.  It is definitely a time in my life I can look back on with joy, love, great memories, lasting friends and no regrets."


rooted alum


"I went to Rooted every week beacause it was a place where I meant something.  My struggles and my triumphs both were recognized and relevant.  At Rooted I explored my own personal context in faith and learned that the secret to living right is loving those around you.  I cherish the memories I have from this organization and truly can't imaginge my high school experience with out it."


 rooted alum




“Rooted provided a place where I could openly share my feelings and know that I was not being judged.  It created a special bond for everyone involved.  Some of my best and most honest friendships evolved from Rooted because it's such a powerful enviroment to be in."

                               rooted alum


Not sure where to begin.  We would like to thank you for guiding our children on a spiritual journey that we were not cabable of doing.  Your leadership and guidance have been priceless.  Since our girls have started Rooted their sprirituality has really deepened. For this we credit you. We are so impressed with your selflessnes. The amount of time that you have invested in our kids and others is incredibly impressive. Please know that your efforts and time invested are recognized and greatly appreciated.


rooted parents

"Rooted was like a family.  I was caught up with stress and didn't know what to do, but there was one thing i did know, Rooted would ALWAYS be there, every Sunday.  It was constant and it reminded me every week to keep going, keep pushing, because my family will always be guiding me and helping me to understand others and myself at the same time.  Rooted is love. "And now these three remain; faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love." 1Corinthians 13:13."

                                           rooted alum

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